5 Ways the OceanMedallion Makes Princess the Best Cruise For First-Timers

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Just a couple of weeks ago, Cole and I had the amazing pleasure of partnering once more with our friends at Princess Cruises to experience their new MedallionClass technology, this time on a gorgeous Eastern Caribbean cruise. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you may remember the first time we set sail with Princess (and the first time I ever cruised) was on an Alaskan cruise in September a couple of years ago. Experiencing my first-ever cruise with Princess in Alaska certainly set the bar high, but adding the MedallionClass Experience to the mix on our latest adventure was a complete game-changer. As someone who’s only recently been on her first cruise, I couldn’t help but think how this new smart technology makes Princess MedallionClass Ships absolute best cruise for first-timers. And since many first-timers here in the US choose the Caribbean as the destination for their first cruise, I felt our entire experience would be perfect for first-time cruisers of every age (and of course, for veteran cruisers too!)

Drawing on my recent experiences on my Alaskan and Western Caribbean cruises without MedallionClass (which were still amazing, by the way!) to our latest cruise aboard the MedallionClass-enabled Princess Caribbean ship, I’ve rounded up 5 ways that make a Princess MedallionClass ship the ultimate cruise for first-timers and veteran cruisers alike! Click through to read all 5 ways in which MedallionClass ships are the absolute best cruises for first-timers.

PS – click here for the latest Princess Cruises Offers!!

best cruise for first timersbest cruise for first timers

best cruise for first timersWhat Is Princess MedallionClass?

I know what you’re thinking…so what exactly is the Princess MedallionClass Experience? There are currently three MedallionClass Ships: the Caribbean Princess (which is the ship we cruised on!), the Regal Princess and the Royal Princess. The technology/experience will be added to more ships in the coming years, with the Crown Princess and the new Sky Princess coming later this year. On a MedallionClass cruise, every cruiser is equipped with an OceanMedallion prior to setting sail. The little circular medallion is a wearable device which is complete with your name, ship and cruise dates. Your OceanMedallion  will be shipped to your house prior to your cruise, where you and your family can download the various apps and get ready for your cruise. You’ll especially want to download the OceanReady app, where you will input all of your passport information, etc. so that the check-in process is a breeze. Once you arrive on the ship, your OceanMedallion serves as your room key, your identification card, your credit card, and your way to connect to your family/friends (AKA shipmates) and the crew so you can enjoy customized service.  If you’ve used the Disney MagicBand at Walt Disney World, this may all sound very familiar. The OceanMedallion is similar to the band, but with so many more functions and capabilities to make your cruise as easy and relaxing as ever. Keep reading to learn more about the amazing new experiences that Princess MedallionClass ships offer, making them the very best ways to cruise for the first time.

5 Ways OceanMedallion Ships Make Cruising For First-Timers a Breeze

best cruise for first timers1. Check In Is Easier Than Ever

While my first cruise couldn’t have been more magical, it was a bit of an overwhelming experience, as it probably is for every new cruiser.  I remember being sooo excited to be going on my first cruise that I looked like a deer in the headlights when I walked into the port and realized the check-in process was much like that of an airport. When we went to board our MedallionClass ship, the whole process was so much smoother and quicker than ever!! Since the new OceanReady app allows you to input all of your information prior to your cruise, which in turn syncs to your OceanMedallion, the entire process is so much more streamlined. Simply scan your OceanMedallion, and you’re ready to go! There were no lines, no having to dig through your belongings to find your various necessities, and we got to board the ship and get into our rooms within minutes. It was SO nice, especially for a gal who has a looot of stuff (hey it comes with the job!), making me a bit of a scatterbrain at times!!

best cruise for first timers2.  Instantly Navigate The Ship Like a Pro

One of the most daunting things to me as a first-time cruiser was simply navigating the ship and getting from place to place (not gonna lie, I’ve been on three cruises now and still haven’t mastered it). This is because a cruise ship is very symmetrical…all sides look the same and it’s hard to tell the front from the back unless you have a good view of the ocean and can tell which way the ship is sailing. Luckily, Princess MedallionClass ships make navigating the ship as easy as ever, with their OceanCompass App and various MedallionClass interactive touch screens throughout the ship. Simply look up the name of the location you’d like to go, such as the Lotus Spa, and the map will show you how to get there according to where you are currently on the ship! As you can see in the above image featuring one of the screens that was on our deck, the map has a dot indicating your current location on the ship. SO amazing!! This was definitely a feature I used over and over again and one that would make getting from place to place (and making dinner reservations on time!) so much easier for first-time cruisers!

best cruise for first timers

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3. Stay Connected With The Best WiFi at Sea

I almost listed this as number one because it’s definitely one of the most important things to me personally, but if you happen to have any kids or teenagers traveling with you (or happen to be a millennial yourself!) this will likely be just as important. Princess’ new MedallionClass ships are all equipped with Medallion Net, so getting online while at sea is more affordable, more reliable and easier than ever before! Wifi has always been especially important to me while cruising since I need to be able to post to instagram while I’m on the ship, but now that I’m a mama, and since this was our first trip away from Everly, this was especially important to me. Thanks to MedallionNet, I was able to FaceTime Everly multiple times while we were out in the middle of the ocean (and it worked perfectly!!) and my sister, who was watching Everly, could easily call or text us, which made us sleep easier. Whether on my laptop or iPhone, I was so pleasantly surprised at how incredible the wifi worked throughout the entire cruise. It was super fast and never missed a beat or slowed down throughout the entire voyage! Not only do you have access to unlimited wifi for amazing prices while you cruise (as low as $9.99 a day!), but MedallionNet also allows you to watch live TV while at sea!! Cole and I were so surprised when we turned on the TV in our stateroom and were able to watch the news while out in the middle of the Caribbean ocean. In case connectivity is what’s holding you back from cruising, that’s not an issue anymore on Princess MedallionClass ships. Learn more about MedallionNet here!

princess medallion class review

4. Never Lose a Family Member

As I mentioned in my second point, cruise ships can be very difficult to navigate. With that and the lack of phone service, it’s quite easy to get separated from family members, especially on your first cruise. With Princess MedallionClass ships, getting separated from your shipmates is a thing of the past! With their OceanCompass app, you can easily connect with all of the members of your traveling party by searching for their name on the app and be able to locate them on the ship during the entirety of your cruise! This was an AWESOME feature, and one I know I’d especially love if I were taking Everly along! On the OceanCompass app on your phone, you can instantly see where every member of your party is at any given time AND you can also use the chat feature to chat with them without having to worry about wifi texting.

best cruise for first timers

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5. Drinks Will Find YOU

When it comes to cruising, maximizing on your relaxation time is the name of the game. Another feature we absolutely loved and took full advantage of on our OceanClass ship was the magic of the OceanNow app. This app lets you order a drink, food and certain necessities right to wherever you’re located on the ship within minutes. Using the OceanMedallion technology, the crew members can easily locate you on the ship and bring your piña colada right over to the pool, your morning coffee over to your chair in the piazza as you read the newspaper or your late night cheese fries right to your chair while watching a movie under the stars. Yes, please!!


The idea of cruising is to simplify your travels…making getting to your destinations as easy and as care-free as possible. Princess Cruise Line has taken this concept to the next level with their MedallionClass ships, making it easier than ever to go on a cruise, no matter your age or the size of your party. Stay tuned for more from our incredible Eastern Caribbean adventure on board the Princess Caribbean here on the blog!


Fairwell xx,

**Thanks so much to Princess Cruises for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own. 

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18 Comment

  1. Reply
    April 25, 2019 at 2:28 am

    So amazing and fun! I haven’t been on a cruise ship yet.
    Looks like paradise!

    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      April 25, 2019 at 6:41 am

      It was such an amazing trip!! You should definitely try out a cruise!! My first was with Princess a few years ago and it was SO incredible – it makes traveling so much more relaxing, care-free & fun!!


  2. Reply
    April 25, 2019 at 7:30 am

    wow! such a wonderful photos!


    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      April 25, 2019 at 9:23 am

      Thank you so much love!! It was easy to capture pretty photos with such gorgeous scenery!!

  3. Reply
    April 25, 2019 at 7:56 am

    Both Caribbean and Alaskan cruises are on my travel bucket list! And Wi-Fi is so important to me as well lol! Love your looks!

    Have a nice week!
    Anna/ At Lifestyle Crossroads

    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      April 25, 2019 at 9:22 am

      Alaska was absolutely MAGIC!! Definitely my fave cruise so far and I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did!! Haha, yes wifi is an absolute must-have, and Princess Cruises new wifi is insanely fast!! I couldn’t even believe it!


  4. Reply
    April 25, 2019 at 8:06 am

    This cruise looks so exciting! I’ve never been on one but it’s definitely on my list now.

    xx Simone

    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      April 25, 2019 at 9:21 am

      You should absolutely try one!! Especially with Princess’ new MedallionClass – it makes traveling SO fun and easy!!


  5. Reply
    April 29, 2019 at 11:15 am

    Wow! These pics are amazing and the cruise looks so fun!!

    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      May 9, 2019 at 7:49 am

      Thanks so much love! bWe had such an incredible time, and the MedallionClass technology made cruising SO easy!!

  6. Reply
    May 2, 2019 at 9:19 am

    I am so in love with that blue strip outfit! Also, omg are those you all’s “Id” for the trip? I love them they are so cute and fashionable!

    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      May 8, 2019 at 11:55 am

      Thanks so much love!! It’s on sale too!! And yes – those are the OceanMedallions – the new technology that Princess has on many of their ships. It acts as your id card, your room key, your method of payment, etc. and does all sorts of amazing things while your on the ship! I’ll be doing another post later this month that fully explains the technology – stay tuned!!

  7. Reply
    May 20, 2019 at 1:33 am

    Hi Lauren,

    Thanks for your review!

    Looks great – we have been on 4 cruises on Princess but have yet to experience the Ocean medallions! 🙂

    Maybe a hint for Princess to sponsor our next cruise… ;p

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