Leopard Coat + My Favorite Guilty Pleasures

casual leopard coat outfit


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LEOPARD COAT: c/o Tart Collections, similar here  //  LACE UP BOOTIES: c/o Jack Rogers  //  GRAPHIC TEE: 1901  //  HEART CROSSBODY BAG: Ted Baker  //  BLACK SKINNY JEANS: similar Hudson  //  RED SKINNY BELT: c/o Raina Belts  //  COLORFUL BEANIE: Modcloth

Happy Fri-YAY, y’all! Today I’m sharing a fun and casual look featuring the most gorgy leopard coat I got from my friends at Tart Collections, and also talking about my favorite guilty pleasures. Now as a mama, it’s more important than ever to take a little me time when I can and indulge in things that may not allow me to cross anything off my to-do list, but do make me feel happy and relaxed. Click on the read more button below for a little low-down on this casual leopard coat outfit and read all of my favorite ways to enjoy a little “me time.”

casual leopard coat outfitcasual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit casual leopard coat outfit

Funny enough, when I was in my early twenties and actually had alll the free time to indulge in “me time” whenever I wanted, I rarely did so because I always felt too guilty. Back then, I was waking up early or staying up late to run, every week day, and ate extremely healthy, usually cooking at home. I was the girl who would order a salad from a fast food restaurant (…like, why?!) and would feel guilty if I missed just one day of running. It’s crazy to think about, because the older and busier I’ve gotten, the more relaxed I’ve become with my schedule. I really think the difference comes down to confidence. In my early twenties, I was insecure…I didn’t know who I was or what the future had in store, so my schedule and my lifestyle was the only thing I could control. Now, with my messy house, my extremely open, unstructured schedule, my lack of daily exercise and thoughtlessness on how many calories is in each meal I eat, I’m SO much healthier and happier than I was in my early twenties!! Although I have a lot less time for myself these days, I somehow find a way to make it a priority and I feel like I take more me time than I did when I was single and childless. So in case you’re in that phase of rigid structure and scheduling, let me encourage you to relax and prioritize time where you can do the things that make YOU feel happy and relaxed. You deserve it!!! So without further ado, here’s my list of little indulgences that help me feel happy and/or relaxed.


My Favorite Guilty Pleasures


1. A Burger & Fries (Or a Chick-fil-A Sandwich!)

Hence the theme of this photoshoot, haha. While I do enjoy something sweet every now and then, my salty.savory cravings have always been strong. There’s just nothing better than a greasy fast food burger and fries. Whataburger and In-N-Out Burger happen to be my two fave stops.


2. A More-Than-5-Episodes-Binge Watching Sesh on A New TV Series

I just LOVE that Television has gotten so amazing lately and that Amazon Prime and Netflix have made it possible to access and binge-watch thousands of series of past and present. I’m a sucker for an incredible story, so when I hear buzz about a new show, I make time to watch it, whether after Evie goes to sleep on week nights, or on a weekend where she’s at her grandparents (that’s where the 5 episode binge miiight occur). My latest TV faves?! Russian Doll, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (second season), You, Victoria (third season) and True Detective (third season). But my all-time faves are Game of Thrones and Downton Abbey, without question.

3. Joining Everly For an Afternoon Nap

Most days when Evie goes down for a nap, I scramble off to my computer or the dishwasher to try to get as much work or housework done before she wakes up. But on occasion, I allow myself to lay beside Everly (I usually put her down in her Dockatot on our bed) and snuggle up for a snooze. Afterall, when you’re in a dark room, with white noise and have rocked and sung a baby to sleep, it’s extremely hard not to drift off yourself.


4. A Milkshake or Snow Cone

So as I’ve stated, I don’t have a huge sweet tooth, but on occasion, I get a craving for either a chocolate milkshake or snow cone (guess I like cold sweets), and when I do, I always allow myself to indulge. YOLO, y’all.


5. Rewatching A Rom-Com Classic Like When Harry Met Sally or Pretty Woman

I’m not one to watch movies over again (there are too many good ones out there to watch!) I make an exception; however, for a few of my fave Rom-Coms and Disney movies (because…obviously). Some days, nothing sounds better than cuddling up on the couch and forcing Cole to watch When Harry Met Sally or Pretty Woman with me.


6. Rewatching My Fave Television Series (Game of Thrones or Downton Abbey) For the Fifth Time

As I previously mentioned, GOT and Downton Abbey are my top favorite TV series of all time. They’re both filled with such incredible, complex characters and the story lines are just brilliant! I might have watch both series more than just a few times (Cole would say it’s five).


7. Enjoying A Good Bottle of Wine By Myself Just Because

Disclaimer: I don’t mean a whole bottle of wine (mama’s tolerance can’t take that anymore), I just mean enjoying a couple of glasses by myself, just because. Cole isn’t much of a wine drinker (except on special occasions), and sometimes I just need a glass or two before bed. And every now and then, after an especially stressful day or week, I treat myself to a really good bottle (as in, ya know, a more than $15 bottle).


8. A Bubble Bath (Actually Even a Shower Feels Like an Indulgence These Days!)

It’s true what they say when you have a baby…showering or taking a bath becomes a challenge. I think ya because you usually wait until baby goes to sleep, and in the shower, you can’t hear the baby cry. Enter the bath tub, y’all. Lately, I’ve been treating myself to a bath every now and then, and sometimes I just jump in with Evie girl! Whether while she’s sleeping or while she’s in my lap splashing, there’s something so relaxing about a bath.


9. Sleeping In Til Noon When Evie is Having a Sleepover With Her Grandparents

Since both of my parents work, they are always eager to have a weekend sleep over with Evie girl, and Cole and I gladly take them up on the offer. Although I do usually try to use these days to catch up on work (hence my weekend blog posts as of late), I also allow myself to go to bed without an alarm every now and then. A few weeks ago, we slept in until past noon on a Saturday and it was GLORIOUS!!!


10. Planning My Next Disney Trip

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll probably know I went on lots of Disney trips during the first few years of blogging. Since I got pregnant, those trips have slowed to a halt, and I am MISSING my Disney life soooo much lately it hurts!!! Now that I’m a mama, I cant imagine going with our Evie girl, so I’m waiting until she’s juuuust a bit older to take her. So lately, in my free time, I’ve been planning our trip, even though we don’t have set dates booked or anything. It just makes me feel happy, relaxed and helps me keep my sanity y’all.

So that’s it! The guilty pleasure I indulge in lately to help me let off some steam. I’d like to incorporate some healthier ones too, like running again, but for now, these will have to do. Some are a little bizarre, and most are totally unhealthy if they become habit, but just a little bit of guilty pleasure every now and then is totally healthy and necessary to keep a busy gal sane! So I encourage you to give in to yours every now and then too!

Fairwell xx,

-photography by Angie Garcia Photo.

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1 Comment

  1. Reply
    Supritha Lakshminarayan
    March 3, 2019 at 9:46 am

    Loved the blog post gorgeous,You look so cute in the leopard coat ❤️❤️❤️

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