So far, my second pregnancy has been completely different than the first. From my early pregnancy symptoms to my end of the first trimester symptoms, I’m sharing my pregnancy symptoms by week.

If you follow me on instagram, you probably saw our exciting announcement…WE’RE PREGNANT with our second baby!!
Cole and I have always known that we wanted a big family, and for our kids to be close together. We are over the moon with excitement that we’re expecting another August baby, making our oldest child Everly and the new baby exactly two years apart.
Both in my first pregnancy and now with my second, I can’t even count the amount of times I look up my pregnancy symptoms to see if they were “normal”.
Having gone through the first trimester for the second time, I can tell you that there really is no such thing as normal. With completely different symptoms in each pregnancy, it’s true when they say “every pregnancy is different.”
But just in case you’re going through the woes of the first trimester, I’m so excited to share my early pregnancy symptoms by week.
From the earliest symptoms that happened before I even got a positive pregnancy test to the end of the first trimester symptoms, here are my pregnancy symptoms by week, starting with the first trimester.
Pregnancy Symptoms by Week: The First Trimester
Earlier this year, we announced we’ve been trying for baby number two by practicing fertility tips to help get pregnant faster.
A quick disclaimer: I’d agreed to partner with the amazing folks at CCRM Fertility BEFORE I knew I was pregnant. But by the time I put together the draft for my post and it was approved to go live, Cole and I found out that we were pregnant.
Since it was super early on, we weren’t ready to share our exciting news just yet, so I hope you don’t feel misled. The truth is, we WERE trying to get pregnant starting in November of 2019 and were practicing all of those tips. We just had no idea it would happen so fast!
Trying For Baby Number 2 – Ovulation Confusion
Not long after Everly was born, Cole and I decided to start trying for baby number two after her first birthday. But when we found out about our Mediterranean cruise with Princess a couple of months after her birthday, we decided to hold off until after the trip.
When we returned from our Mediterranean cruise in late October, we decided the following month would be the perfect time to start trying.
Ever since Everly was born and I exclusively pumped for the first 12 months, my periods have been inconsistent. Since we weren’t using birth control in between pregnancies, I’d been tracking my cycles in an app. In the time since she’d been born, the shortest had been 28 days while the longest was 42 days.
When we decided to start trying for baby number two, I immediately purchased ovulation sticks so I could figure out the best timing to baby dance.
I started my cycle on November 15, 2019 and purchased a pack of 50 Amazon cheapie ovulation sticks (which came with an additional 20 cheapie pregnancy tests). Those are ones with the pink lines where a positive is confirmed when the test line reads darker or as dark as the control line.
Around cycle day 14, my ovulation test read positive with the test line as dark as the control line. So we did the dance and hoped and prayed for the best!
On cycle day 25, which was December 9th, I took a First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, which can give you a positive result up to six days before your missed period.
I was disappointed to get a negative result. But out of curiosity, I decided to go ahead and also take one of my ovulation tests too (I had 50 after all!)
I was SO surprised to find that the test line was WAY darker than the control line on my ovulation test. But after reading a bit on Google, I just chalked it up to my period approaching and didn’t think much of it.

How We Found Out – My Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms Before a Positive Test
Flash forward to the next week – I still hadn’t started my period. I continued taking pregnancy tests about every other day, but kept getting negative results. So I just assumed I was having another longer-than-normal cycle and carried on.
My first early pregnancy symptom came on December 18th, which was cycle day 34. I had a photoshoot with Angie that day and a Christmas party with my friends that evening. After the shoot, I felt absolutely exhausted, so I laid down and took a quick nap with Evie before getting ready for the party.
Cole ended up having to wake me up 2 hours later and I remember feeling overwhelmingly tired and groggy – as if I’d taken a Tylenol pm or something. Naps usually leave me feeling rejuvenated, so this was unusual for me.
The next day, Everly and I headed to Archer City for Cole’s grandmother’s funeral. Right before we left, I’d taken one of my Amazon pregnancy tests, which was negative. But as I put on my pajamas for bed during our second evening on December 20th, I noticed my nipples were way bigger than normal.
Larger nipples was a pregnancy symptoms that didn’t show up for a while when I was pregnant with Everly. I did think it was a little odd, but I didn’t give too much thought to it.
Another thing I noticed while we were in Archer City over that weekend was a cluster of pimples that appeared on my cheeks and forehead. Once again, I blamed it on Aunt Flo approaching soon. But it was a lot more acne than what usually pops up before a period.
Before our positive pregnancy test, I also had the early pregnancy symptom of feeling a pinching sensation on my side. Just like with Everly, it was on the left side.
This is one of those symptoms that you’d probably only feel if you’re trying to conceive and you’re looking out for it. The pinching or twinging feeling comes from the fertilized egg or blastocyst attaching to the uterine wall and can last anywhere from 1-3 days.
Sure enough, my first OBGYN appointment a few weeks later confirmed that the baby had implanted on my left side. I’ve noticed in all of my ultrasounds so far that the baby has remained more to the left side of my pelvis so far.
When we got back from Archer City on December 21st, which was cycle day 37, I went into our bathroom to pee where I saw the pregnancy test I’d taken the day before we for the funeral on the counter.
Just barely visible, I saw the faintest line next to the test line. I took the test outside for a better look, and could see it even more clearly. Since evaporation lines are common, I tried not to get too excited and immediately took another pregnancy test.
To my surprise and excitement, another faint line appeared. I couldn’t believe it!! Since I’ve had a chemical pregnancy in the past, I continued testing each day to make sure the line got darker. And they did!!!
I surprised Cole and told him on Christmas Eve. We were officially PREGNANT!! We were so incredibly grateful to have another blessing on the way!

Pregnancy Symptoms By Week: 4-6
When I look back on the first few weeks of my second pregnancy, they seem like a breeze. I honestly thought I was going to get away with having another relatively easy pregnancy like I did with Everly. But when nausea started to poke its head at the beginning of week 6 I knew I was wrong.
Here are all of my pregnancy symptoms by week from after we got our positive pregnancy test, weeks four through six.
Having a heightened sense of smell was one of my first signs I was pregnant with Everly. I noticed the early pregnancy symptom again around week four with my second pregnancy. This is a super common early pregnancy symptom, and one that can unfortunately attribute to bouts of nausea in the first trimester.
My back aches started really early with this pregnancy and have consistently gotten worse throughout the first trimester and now into the second.
I’ve read that second pregnancies often come with more body aches and pains, from back aches to round ligament pain (which is totally unfair in my opinion!). Since an achy back usually indicates the start of my period, this symptom especially made me nervous in the first trimester.
Through all my frantic Googling, I read that back aches are common throughout every part of pregnancy. The fact that the pain worsens with every consecutive pregnancy was totally true for me.
This is a pregnancy symptom that also plagued me with my first pregnancy. But being so tired with a toddler to take care of makes it extra difficult.
During weeks 5 and 6, there were days when I would sleep until 11 if I didn’t set an alarm (and yes, Evie would too).
Thankfully, Everly is still taking her daily afternoon nap, so I’ve been joining her in the first trimester to get some extra rest.
I think this early pregnancy symptom is more pronounced during this pregnancy. I recently experienced hair loss and weak nails after I stopped pumping last September, so the difference is huge!
Just a few weeks into my second pregnancy, I began to notice my hair was growing faster than ever. Not only was I getting new baby hair growth around my hair line where I’d lost it, but I was also having to shave my armpits and legs more often.
I also noticed that my nails are no longer breaking and felt a whole lot stronger as early as week five of pregnancy.
Perhaps this is once again because of the fact that I now have a toddler to look after, but I noticed a huge difference in my emotions right away with my second pregnancy.
Especially around week 5, I started snapping at Cole so easily and would find myself crying and feeling sad for no apparent reason at all. I definitely didn’t feel this kind of an emotional rollercoaster with my first pregnancy. Lucky for Cole, this early pregnancy symptom didn’t stick around for too long.
This annoying early pregnancy symptom began not long after I got my first positive pregnancy test. Apparently it has to do with hormones, but waking up to pee always makes for a less restful night of sleep and doesn’t help with the daily exhaustion dragging me down.
FINALLY – a good pregnancy symptom! My sudden urge to nest and organize everything in our house was another early pregnancy symptom that I definitely did not feel with Everly.
Between weeks five and six, I began nesting and organizing things like crazy. If you know me, you’ll also know this is totally out of character for me. It started with this crazy urge to sort though all of Everly’s clothes, accessories and toys. Then it lead to organizing the entire kitchen. It seemed unstoppable.
Until the worst pregnancy symptom of them all kicked in…
I had a few days of nausea and morning sickness with Everly, but NOTHING like this. Just when I thought I might be in the clear for another smooth-ish first trimester, I woke up at the beginning of week six having to run to the bathroom. Nausea and morning sickness had hit me HARD and it wasn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, it still hasn’t.
Because my nausea with Everly was so infrequent, I keep thinking this early pregnancy symptom would be over soon. Boy was I wrong!
There are days when I can’t even get out of bed because the thought of any movement makes me feel like I’m going to throw up. Apparently many women experience worse nausea and morning sickness with each pregnancy. It’s definitely been the case with myself and all of my friends who have had more than one baby.
I’ve tried just about EVERYTHING to curb my nausea and luckily, I have found some relief. I’ll be doing a post about morning sickness and nausea remedies that worked and didn’t work for me on the blog soon. Stay tuned!

Pregnancy Symptoms By Week: 7-9
I had food aversions with Everly too. Around week seven of pregnancy, things that I usually LOVE and CRAVE suddenly make me nauseous at the very thought.
One of those is coffee, which I had to avoid for a good portion of the first trimester. And another was Tex Mex food. This is my FAVE food y’all! Luckily, I had some new food cravings come in to take the place.
If you were around when I was pregnant with Everly, you might remember that Jimmy Johns sandwiches were my number one pregnancy craving, especially in the first trimester. Once again, my second pregnancy has been totally different.
This pregnancy has me craving greasy fast food burgers. Whether it’s Whataburger, Sonic, Wendy’s or Dairy queen, get this girl a greasy cheeseburger and she is all smiles. What’s really surprised me is that even when I’m super nauseous, a cheeseburger ALWAYS sounds good and usually even alleviates my nausea.
I don’t remember getting headaches with Everly, but I’ve gotten them quite often with my second pregnancy. The earliest headache was around 7 weeks right as I was going to bed. I felt a pounding in my head, which brought on even more nausea. Since I don’t want to take Tylenol so early in pregnancy, sleep is usually what works to make the headaches go away.
Standing up too fast always gives me dizzy spells when I’m pregnant! To the point where I almost feel like I’m going to faint. When I was pregnant with Everly, I actually did faint a couple of times.
I have to be super careful about not standing up too fast and really good about snacking often and staying hydrated to keep this pregnancy symptom at bay.
I was surprised that although my boobs looked different super early on, I didn’t feel any soreness until around week 9.
And even then, the soreness was so much less intense than it was when I was pregnant with Everly. I did notice my boobs started to get bigger and fuller after I felt the tinge of achiness though.
This not-so-fun pregnancy symptom stuck around from weeks 7 to 9. It’s another common pregnancy symptom, but I didn’t have it too badly with Everly.
Fiber gummies became my new BFF during these early weeks of pregnancy. Thankfully, this symptom has since gone away.

Pregnancy Symptoms By Week: 10-13
On week ten, I woke up with a stuffy nose and cold symptoms. It’s true that your immune system is weaker when you’re pregnant, and I remember feeling stuffy pretty often when I was pregnant with Everly.
Now that I have a toddler who attends school once a week, I have a feeling
I had high hopes for my nausea to start disappearing by the last weeks of my first trimester. Unfortunately, they did not.
In fact, it almost seems as if my nausea and all-day sickness got worse. I had days where I felt great for the entire day, thinking the nausea had gone away. Then the next day I would be in bed all day, unable to keep anything down.
Luckily, on the days that I did feel good, I started to have an insatiable appetite where I was constantly hungry and never fully satisfied.
For the last few weeks, for example, I’ve upgraded my Whataburger order to the double meat burger and I finish it every time. What’s crazy, is I never even feel overly full after I finish it!
Partly due to my newfound appetite, around week 11, my jeans got tighter. It didn’t take long for my jeans to stop fitting completely.
ANd then, my favorite pregnancy symptom of all…
During week 13, I FINALLY got the emergence of an actual bump. While I’d had the bloated look going strong for a while, the rounded bump in my tummy seemed to just POP overnight.
I didn’t start showing until after 16 weeks with Everly, so I was super excited that I got an earlier bump with my second pregnancy.
Later this week, I’ll be sharing our GENDER REVEAL!!! We found out what baby number two will be over the weekend at our gender reveal party (check out Everly’s gender reveal party here), and I can’t wait to share the news!!
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Other Pregnancy Posts You May Like:
-First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms With Everly
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March 5, 2020 at 9:22 pmOMG how exciting! Congrats on baby number #2!! Also, omg Morning sickness is NOT fun!! I had a tough first trimester , but the second trimester has been so much nicer to me! Thank God!
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December 1, 2020 at 12:18 pmA missed period is how a woman normally considers that she is pregnant. But even before you miss your period, you might have already noticed something different about you and your body that tells you, you are actually pregnant. Here are other signs and symptoms that may mean you’re pregnant.
If you’re basal body temperature (your oral temperature taken first thing in the morning) is unusually heightened. You do have to realize also that this temperature is also heightened at the onset of ovulation and stays until your menstruation. If the basal temperature is elevated even after your expected menstrual date, then this is a sign of pregnancy.
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January 27, 2022 at 4:58 pm[…] third baby will be arriving soon! After the complete shock that came with welcoming the second child into our family, I now fully know that welcoming another baby into our family […]
December 14, 2022 at 10:01 amThe typical way a lady knows she is pregnant is when her period is missed. However, you may have already detected a change in yourself or your body that indicates you are genuinely pregnant before you missed your period. Here are some additional warning signs and symptoms that you could be pregnant.Bangalore’s top IVF clinics is Vardhan Fertility Hospital is the best test tube baby, IVF, IUI, womens care center in bangalore, India has world-class facilities, advanced procedures and equipment with high quality infertility treatment.For more information visit our official website or Contact Us @ 9019134994, 080 23385656
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