Make Like A Leaf and Embrace Change

multi color striped sweater


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HAIR PRODUCTS: c/o Herbal Essences  //  SWEATER: Free People  // CORDUROY SKIRT: Boohoo  //  EARRINGS: BaubleBar  //  BOOTS: Vince Camuto

Fall has finally officially arrived down in Texas, y’all (I felt leaves actually crunching when I was walking in our yard this weekend!) Fall is a wonderful (and welcome!) reminder that change is not only a part of nature, but also that it can be an absolutely beautiful thing. As wonderfully beautiful as change can be though, it can also be difficult. That’s why I’m so excited to team up with my friends at Herbal Essences to talk about embracing change by expressing yourself for all the world to see…through your hair!

Click on the read more button below to find out how major hair styling decisions have helped me gain confidence and embrace change and check out an amazing video that Herbal Essences has put together to help inspire you to do the same!

yellow corduroy mini skirtcorduroy mini skirt outfitover the knee boots mini skirt outfitmulti stripe sweater

When I think back on the major hair decisions in my life, they all coincide with a major change that was happening at the time. The first, in fact, wasn’t even a  hair choice I made on my own, but one my mom made for me. At the age of six, when I was entering the first grade, I found out that my family and I were making the move from Texas to Tennessee. Scary as it was, I remember also being excited, especially after my mom took me to the hair salon to add a little kink to my board-straight hair. When I look back on pictures at my permed hair now, I laugh because it was so not me, but I remember feeling so much more excited and confident about our move. I couldn’t wait to walk into my new school and first grade class to show off my curly new locks.

The next hair move was one I did all on my own (and actually without my mom’s permission). As all of the “cool girls” in school started getting their hair highlighted, I begged my mom to let me get them too, but she wouldn’t budge while I was still in elementary school. At last, during the summer before I started seventh grade in middle school, my mom allowed me to get highlights. The lighter blonde strands of hair were hardly noticeable in my mousey dark blonde hair, but I loved them so much that the next time I told the stylist (who happened to be my aunt) to cover my full head with platinum blonde. My mom was absolutely furious, but I loved it. It gave me all the confidence I needed to face what was the scariest change of my childhood – that awkward transition to middle school.

From hair cuts to going shades darker and lighter, my hair went through lots of change after I embraced full on blonde 15 years ago. The latest change I can remember is deciding to add extensions to my ultra-fine hair. I’d been trying for years to grow my hair out, but because it was so fine, it never got much further than just past my shoulders. As a super late bloomer and with a bit of a baby face, people have always assumed I’ve been younger than I actually was throughout my life (a fact that I always hated until recent years). For my wedding day, I wanted to look like a woman, and while I’d always thought that extensions would end up looking inauthentic or take away from my identity, I absolutely loved how confident they made me feel! I’d never had curls that were so full or hair that long, and I truly felt more beautiful than ever on my wedding day. I soon learned that I could also finally master all of those amazing braid tricks I’d seen on Pinterest with the help of clip-in extensions (and that many of the beauty bloggers used them to do those amazing braids too!) Whether you choose to go all natural, or decide to perm, bleach and add extensions to your board straight, ultra-fine hair, the decisions you make

From my first perm right before a big move at the age of six to embracing a little extra va-va-voom with extensions for my wedding day, hair styling choices have long been an important part of how we express ourselves and embrace new beginnings in life! As life continues to change, I know I will go through more changes, whether easy or difficult, and that my hair will follow suit.


So I’d love to ask you all….have you had any major hair styling choices that coincided with changes or big moments in your life?! Let me know in the comments below!



Fair-well xx,

**Thanks so much to Herbal Essenses for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.



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7 Comment

  1. Reply
    October 18, 2017 at 7:40 am

    Id never thought about it before, but every ti,e I dyed my hair or chopped it off was right before a big transition in my life! Love this concept!!

    -Linsday B.

    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      October 25, 2017 at 7:30 pm

      Haha right?! I honestly hadn’t either until I started writing and realized every big hair change was right around a big life change…too funny!! 😉 Thanks for the love!!


  2. Reply
    October 18, 2017 at 10:53 am

    This concept is totally true…thank you so much for sharing that video. Super inspiring!
    Love, Merritt

    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      October 25, 2017 at 8:13 pm

      Thanks doll!! Glad you agree…and I loved the video too!! SO inspiring! 🙂


  3. Reply
    October 19, 2017 at 7:28 am

    I can so relate to this post! My mother has always liked my sister and I to have hair down our backs and banana curls! So much of my younger life was centered around my hair. My mom also gave me perms a couple of times. I looked like a redheaded poodle! After I went off to college, I decided to make my own choices about hair. My hair was beautiful but I was always hot and just didn’t want to do all that maintenance. So I went from hair down my back to just below my ears with wisps of hair below. I got so many compliments and I felt so free. My mom, when she saw my hair that summer, didn’t speak to me for a week, no joke. But I was determined to be me and love what I liked about my hair. I have never looked back. Still red, short hair but I love it and so does my husband! My mom talks to me! She loves long hair, but she realizes I’m my own person! Love the video! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Reply
    October 21, 2017 at 9:43 am

    My mother (may she rest in peace) was a hairstylist, and every summer while I was a schoolgirl (or school woman, until age 32), she gave me a perm so that my hair wouldn’t be stuck to me with all of the outdoor exercising I used to do. Other than that, I have kept my brown hair about shoulder-length, utilizing a ponytail when exercising on the treadmill or during bowling practice sessions in August to get ready for the forthcoming season. Of course, the eyewear I wear is something else, as I change glasses 5-6 times a day. 🙂

    1. Reply
      Lauren Vandiver
      October 26, 2017 at 7:30 am

      Aww I love that Melyssa thanks so much for sharing!! Momma’s always know best and what sweet memories you can look back on. 🙂 Haha, yes, as far as accessories and clothes are concerned, I’m right there with you, changing several times a day at times, but hairstyle changes only happen every so often in life, and it’s cool to look back in life and remember what was going on in your life during each of the hair style changes. Thanks so much again for sharing!! Have the most amazing week!!


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