Looking for gender reveal ideas? After getting creative with a cardboard box for both of our gender reveal parties, I’m sharing a few easy gender reveal box ideas. Plus, I’m spilling all the details from our gender reveal party with baby number two.

Baby number two is coming this summer and we couldn’t be more excited to grow our family by two little feet.
Earlier this year, we got to find out whether our first born Everly would be getting a little brother or a little sister at our gender reveal party.
After finding out our first baby would be a girl at our Twinkle Twinkle Little Star gender reveal party, we wanted to do a little something to find out the gender of our second child.
The hanging gender reveal box was such a fun and easy way to find out the gender with Everly. We loved it so much that we decided to do a similar gender reveal balloon box with our second child.
This time, we kept the gender reveal box on the floor and used helium balloons instead of confetti and streamers so that our toddler could participate in the reveal.
Keep reading for an easy DIY on how to create your own gender reveal box. Plus, see our gender reveal video and photos and details of our Sleeping Beauty-inspired gender reveal party.
Our Balloon Box Gender Reveal Video
Press play to see our reaction when we found out whether our second child would be a girl or a boy.

Note About Doing a Gender Reveal During Covid19 Lockdown
We did our gender reveal party in mid-February before any lockdowns were put in place.
What’s great about this gender reveal box idea is that it’s easy, affordable and something you can do at home with the family you share a residence with.
You can find most of the items required to make the gender reveal box in your home. And whatever you don’t have, you can simply order them online to be delivered to your doorstep.
You can easily film the gender reveal in your own backyard and send out the surprise to your family and friends and/or post it to social media.
Shop Our Gender Reveal Outfits:

How to Make a Gender Reveal Box With Balloons
I had so many questions about how we did our last gender reveal box. The difference in the two is that the first gender reveal box was made to hang above our heads and was filled with streamers and confetti.
This gender reveal box is made to sit on the ground so the helium balloons lift out on there own when you open it.
After doing both types of gender reveal boxes, I think the balloon box is easier. So this time, I’m sharing a tutorial on how to make a gender reveal box with balloons.
It’s super affordable, super simple and a really fun way to find out the gender of your baby.

What You’ll Need:
- a large or extra large cardboard box (we bought ours at the Home Depot)
- white wrapping paper (I loved this white wrapping paper with gold polka dots!)
- a cute gender reveal cut out (we used a “twinkle twinkle little star” cut out for our first reveal and a simple “boy or girl” cut out we got in this bundle for our second reveal.)
- a hot glue gun
- clear packing tape
- a dozen helium balloons in the appropriate gender color (I made the box and gave it to our family friend to fill with the balloons since she knew the gender and we wanted it to be a surprise).
- curly ribbon or some kind of ribbon to hold the top of the box together.
- scissors
Shop Gender Reveal Box Supplies:

Gender Reveal Box Instructions:
- Tape up the bottom of the box as you normally would using the packing tape.
- Then, cut off two panels on the top of the box so there are only two panels remaining, across from each other. Be sure the two panels are able to touch when you fold them inward.
- Wrap the box in the gift wrapping paper, using the tape to secure the wrapping paper to the box. I wrapped it the same way I would wrap a large gift box!
- Cut out smaller pieces of the wrapping paper to wrap around the two top panels and secure with the tape.
- Hot glue your cutout to the front of the box, making sure that the two open panels are on the top.
- Have your gender keeper attach the 12 helium balloons to the bottom of the box by their strings, using the packing tape.
- Use the packing tape to attach pieces of string along the bottom side of the two top panels. Then, tie the strings together so the balloons beneath can’t be seen.

Our Sleeping Beauty Gender Reveal Party Decor
Okay I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t Sleeping Beauty a little…girly?
If you didn’t already know from my instagram posts and the photos above, we are so blessed to be welcoming a baby boy this summer.
With Everly, I was 95% certain she was a boy, so I opted for a super gender neutral gender reveal party theme.
This time around, I tried really hard not to guess whether we were having a boy or girl. But to be honest, I couldn’t help but lean towards feeling like it was a girl this time. Clearly my mama instincts are off, y’all!
Nonetheless, I’ve been wanting to do a “Make It Pink, Make It Blue” Sleeping Beauty gender reveal party theme since the last time we were pregnant. We just added a few touches here and there, and I really love how it turned out for our little prince.
Shop Gender Reveal Party Decor

Gender Reveal Party Decor
Cole and I agreed we weren’t going to spend a ton of money on this gender reveal party. We only invited our family and wanted to keep it low-key and affordable.
With the exception of this amazing gender reveal decor package I got for less than $20 on Amazon, most of the stuff we used for the party was stuff I already owned. Like the Sleeping beauty lithographs and prints we framed and Everly’s Sleeping beauty Irregular Choice shoes.
I even repurposed the “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” banner from our last gender reveal to make the “Make It Pink, Make It Blue” banner. If you look closely, you can see that a couple of the letters were formed from extra letters in our former banner.

Gender Reveal Party Food Table Decor
I had two tables set up for the party. One was at our front door which had more of the decorative and fun stuff like a framed photo of our sonogram and “team boy” and “team girl” stickers. The other was the food table where I placed the snacks, sweets and our gender reveal cake.
Once again, we didn’t get too fancy with the food for the gender reveal party. I simply made some ham and cheese sliders and placed the “oh baby” toothpick cutouts in them and had some queso for everyone to eat.

For the sweets, my sister Tiffany and I made some sugar cookies, cut them out in hearts and used food coloring to ice them pink and blue.
Then, we made some delicious homemade brownies and found some Robins Eggs candy that were perfectly pastel colored for the occasion ( I just removed the yellow eggs).

Last of all, I found a pre-made cake at Kroger with a pink bow on it. I asked if I could pay to have them make me a blue bow too, but since they couldn’t, I improvised and put a prince crown on the cake to finish it off.

Gender Reveal Party Easy Drink Recipes
I also put together pink and blue champagne drink options for the gender reveal party. Both gender reveal drink recipes were super easy.
The pink drink was just champagne and grapefruit juice.
The blue drink was champagne, Blue Curacoa and lemonade.
Obviously I couldn’t tell you from experience, but everyone else seemed to love both drinks!

Gender Reveal Box Reactions
I wanted to share some more photos from our actual gender reveal moment.
We decided to do the gender reveal balloon box for Cole, Everly and I to open and gave confetti poppers to our family to pop around us.

Since the gender reveal confetti poppers popped a little faster than we could open our ballon box, we actually saw the blue from the poppers before the balloons came out.
But we were still SO excited and completely surprised to find out we’re having our first BOY!!!

Dad’s Reaction
Although it took a second for Cole to register that he saw blue, he was absolutely ECSTATIC as you can see in the photo above.
The day before the gender reveal party, he told me he felt he might just be destined to be a girl dad and he was totally fine with that. He said it was probably God’s way of softening his heart. And yes, I laughed out loud when he said that.

Cole’s two favorite things (besides me and Everly, of course) are baseball and hunting. I know he’s always wanted a boy to share those things with.
And who knows, maybe it will be Everly or another child of ours that shares his love for sports and hunting, but having a boy in the family just makes the possibilities feel endless.

Mama’s Reaction
And while I’m being totally transparent, I was honestly a little torn and would have been whether we saw blue or pink.
I have a sister who’s just two years younger than me and is my best friend. So naturally, I’ve always dreamed for Everly to have a little sister.

But again, I’ve always dreamed of having a little boy in our family. Literally, all my dreams both before I became pregnant with Everly and while I was pregnant with her were about baby boys.
Truly, I would have been equally excited with a boy or a girl, but having a healthy baby on the way is a HUGE BLESSING. And having one of each in the family is a DREAM COME TRUE!!

As long as it’s in God’s plan, Cole and I absolutely plan on having more babies in the future. We couldn’t feel more blessed or excited to become a family of four with our first baby boy this summer.

You May Also Like:
Our Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Gender Reveal
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Fair-well xx,

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