My Fave Skincare Product For The Last Year


best skin serum

  One of the biggest perks about being a blogger? Getting to try out lots of skincare and beauty products!! While I don’t consider myself a skincare or beauty expert, I have tried lots of products on the market, so when I find a good one, it instantly becomes a part of my beauty routine. That’s why I’m so excited to talk about a beauty product that’s been a staple for the last year…Clarin’s Double Serum! If you’ve been following along for a while, you may recall last year I tried out Clarin’s Double Serum for the first time and instantly fell in love. So much, in fact, that I’ve continued using it ever since. After a year into using the amazing serum, and all the changing hormones my body has gone through from pre-pregnancy, throughout my entire pregnancy and now post…my skin is as hydrated, supple and smooth as ever. I think I can confidently thank Clarin’s Double Serum for that.

Click through to find out more about why this amazing serum should be in your medicine cabinet now!!

clarins double serum best skin serum best skin serum best skin serum best skin serum best skin serum best skin serum best skin serumIn last year’s post about this product, I talked about what skin serum is and why you should use it. That’s because, prior to using this product, I’d seen and had skin serums before, but never really knew how I should incorporate it into my beauty routine. Flash forward to now, and I don’t know how I ever managed without it. Clarin’s Double Serum has seamlessly become a part of my everyday beauty routine, and now that I’m postpartum, I feel like I’m experiencing the magic of it allover again.

File this under things they don’t tell you about pregnancy…while you’ll enjoy that gorgeous pregnancy glow for 9 months (along with a few pimples here and there if you’re anything like me), once baby is born, your skin instantly becomes dry and dull. Luckily, since I had Clarins Double Serum in my medicine cabinet, it wasn’t long before I had my radiant, hydrated skin back.

Once you start using Clarin’s Double Serum, you’ll see results in as little as 7 days! Over the last year my skin has been more radiant, firm and smooth, all through the rollercoaster hormones of pregnancy and post-pregnancy that always does a number on your skin.

What I really love about Clarin’s Double Serum is that it’s made for all skin types and all ages so it can be a staple you’ll use for years to come! Whether you’re looking for a product to fight acne for smoother skin or something with an anti-aging to reduce wrinkles, this serum does it ALL y’all.

best skin serum best skin serum


Fairwell xx,

-photography by Angie Garcia Photo.

**Thanks so much to Clarins for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.


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