SURPRISE!! We’re officially TRYING to get pregnant with baby number two. Knowing that many of you are in the same life phase, I’m kick-starting our journey by partnering with CCRM Fertility to share 10 fertility tips to help you get pregnant faster with the healthiest baby.

11 Fertility Tips to Help Get Pregnant Faster With The Healthiest Baby
NOPE, this isn’t a pregnancy announcement (but hopefully there will be one soon!). Rather, we’re announcing that we’re officially beginning the journey to growing our family again.
Taking what I’ve learned from my road to pregnancy with Everly and my TTC (trying to conceive) journey so far, I’m so excited to partner with one of the nation’s leading fertility clinics, CCRM Fertility, to share 11 tips to help you get pregnant faster.

Having been through this journey myself before, and with so many of my friends and family on that same path, I know it’s not an easy one.
In fact, getting pregnant is an absolute miracle. And I don’t just mean in the spiritual sense. Scientifically, it’s a miracle too.
There’s just an 8 hour window during each cycle that a woman’s egg can be fertilized. Couple that with irregular periods (like mine) and finding that just-right-moment might feel impossible.
When Cole and I started trying a couple of years ago, I expected to get pregnant fast. Like, immediately fast.
And while we were VERY fortunate to get pregnant fast with Everly after our fourth month of trying, I know that the journey can be much longer and more painful for many other families.
So before going any further, I want to say my heart is going out to all women out there who are TTC. I know that the journey can be long, painful and heartbreaking.
But I can promise you this. Wherever your journey leads you, and no matter how long it may take, motherhood is SO. WORTH. IT.
So, know that I’m cheering you on, praying for you and want you to know that no matter what happens, YOU’RE AMAZING and YOU GOT THIS.

CCRM Fertility
I’ve learned so much since my first go-round at TTC. But I still have much to learn.
That’s why I’ve enlisted the help of renowned MDs from CCRM Fertility to help me share 11 tips on fertility that can help you get pregnant faster.
With locations from the east coast to the west coast, and two here in Texas such as CCRM Dallas Fort-Worth, CCRM Fertility is a global pioneer in fertility science, research and treatment. They have incredible success rates, offer patients best-in-class patient care and access to a network of award-winning physicians, plus a full suite of fertility services.
I’m so excited to partner with CCRM Fertility to talk about fertility, share some helpful tips on how to get pregnant faster, and learn a few things along the way myself.
Keep scrolling for tips from my own insights from my TTC journey and some helpful hints from the professionals at CCRM Fertility.
Top 10 Fertility Tips
The number one piece of advice in how to get pregnant fast? DON’T STRESS. Easier said than done, right?
And I know from experience. Because after just one month of trying for our first child, stress and anxiety started to creep into my mind. And it slowly grew with each passing month and round of negative pregnancy tests.
But what I didn’t know then is that stressing is the absolute WORST thing you can do when trying to get pregnant.
Several studies have proven the link between high stress levels and difficulties in getting pregnant. And it makes sense too. If our body is releasing the stress hormone cortisol then it may also be signaling to our body that it’s not the best time to have a baby.
I’ve heard SO many incredible stories of women TTC who have gotten pregnant naturally after deciding to become a mother through adoption or surrogacy. Proof both in God’s miracles and that our body is much more responsive to stress signals than we’d like to think.
CCRM Fertility knows that mind and body wellness is essential to successfully getting pregnant faster. That’s why they offer patients their Mind-Body Program. The program follows the techniques behind Doctor Herbert Benson’s revolutionary mind-body medicine, which is proven to reduce the effects of stress on the body.
2 – Know The Facts
Getting pregnant is a miracle that many of us try to avoid in the early years of our lives. So, when we decide that the time is finally right to have a baby, it should be easy, right?
These were the exact thoughts that came to mind back when we were TTC with Everly. SO WRONG.
Here’s the TRUTH: on average, it takes couples 6 months to become pregnant. And even after a year, 15% of couples still won’t become pregnant.
But remember, don’t stress!! It’s not until 12 months of trying that doctors recommend you visit a fertility clinic (unless you’re age 40 are over, then it’s recommended to see a fertility specialist after 6 months).
And clinics like CCRM Fertility offer SO many options to help you successfully become pregnant. From simple medications to IVF options, they can help you select the right option for your family.

3 – Use Ovulation Sticks
When Cole and I started TTC for the first time, I’d heard about ovulation sticks, but didn’t think we’d need them.
But just one cycle in, I found myself so confused with questions. When do I actually ovulate? Do I have an average cycle? Is my cycle irregular?
For the next month’s cycle, I caved and bought a set of ovulation tests. Helpful hint – you don’t need to buy the expensive one’s at the drug store. Amazon has super affordable tests that do the job just fine.
Amazingly, these tiny sticks held the answers to most of my questions!
I truly believe ovulation tests were a huge help in us successfully getting pregnant fast with Everly. After two months of testing, I learned that I actually ovulate much later than I’d originally thought.
Tracking your cycle with ovulation tests is one of the best ways to understand your unique cycle and when you ovulate.
That way, you can be more accurate with timing your baby dancing (AKA doing the deed) with each month that passes.
Which brings me to my next point.
4 – Baby Dance, A Lot
In fact, fertility doctors like those at CCRM Fertility recommend “baby dancing” every other day for your best chance at getting pregnant.
That’s because sperm can live inside your reproductive tract for up to 72 hours. So even if you don’t baby dance on the day you ovulate, you’ll still have a good chance of getting pregnant fast.
Plus, your husband or partner is probably going to get a lot more excited about the whole TTC process if you implement this tip (just sayin’).

5 – Download a Cycle Tracking App
One of the first things your OBGYN will ask you when you make your first prenatal appointment is, “what was the first day of your last period?”
I don’t know about you, but I certainly couldn’t remember something like that. Unless I was literally tracking it on a calendar. Which is exactly what you’ll be doing with a cycle tracking app. But that’s just a bonus perk.
The real reason you need to have a cycle tracker app while trying to get pregnant is to help you get a good idea of when you ovulate.
Another thing that made my TTC journey with Everly confusing is that my cycles were irregular. Meaning they could be anywhere from 28 to 42 days long. So, tracking my cycles was super critical to understanding when I ovulate since it varied so much from month to month.
A quick search for “cycle tracker” in the app store on your smart phone will bring up several options. Download the one that sounds most appealing to you and start tracking your monthly cycles.
The first go-round I used Ovia, which I still love for its simplicity. But I’ve also been testing out Glow this time around too and I like it.
6 – Eat Healthy
It’s no secret that good fertility starts with good health. Healthy habits such as proper nutrition and moderate exercise are key to helping your body to be a fertility-promoting environment.
Focusing on whole foods and limiting sugar and processed foods helps to nourish both you and your growing little one. Additionally, studies show women who are trying to get pregnant should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensive exercise, like yoga, pilates and walking, each week.
Studies have also shown that women should maintain a healthy BMI for their best chance at getting pregnant. The sweet spot for many women is 18.5 to 24.9 BMI.
7 – Exercise
Exercise improves metabolism and circulation, both of which contribute to better egg production. It’s also worth nothing, however, that too much exercise can have a negative effect when you’re TTC. Extreme, vigorous exercise each day can decrease the production of hormones that stimulate ovary function.
Something you might be surprised to find out once you are pregnant? You’re safe to do pretty much any exercise you’d like. As long as you were doing it BEFORE you got pregnant (like within the last few months).
So, if you were like me before I got pregnant with Everly, that pretty much means no exercising since I hadn’t been active at all in the few months before I was pregnant with her.
Thankfully, I’ve made a point to start exercising again while we’re TTC this time around. Not only will it help increase our chances of getting pregnant, but I know it will also allow me to continue exercising throughout my pregnancy. And that, in turn, will make labor easier.
No joke, as I pushed and struggled for two hours with Everly, I kept thinking how much I regretted not being active before and therefore during pregnancy. Live and learn, y’all!

8 – Take Your Vitamins
The first step to trying to get pregnant before Everly was scheduling an appointment with my OBGYN to get my IUD removed.
When she learned we were officially TTC, she told me to start taking both a prenatal vitamin and folic acid daily. Starting immediately.
Even if it took several months to get pregnant, she explained, I needed to have these crucial vitamins in my system. Plus, folic acid is known to improve fertility in both male and females. Win, win!
Since I exclusively pumped for 12 months with Everly, I actually never stopped taking my prenatal vitamins. But I did recently add a folic acid supplement to my daily regimen too.
9 – Don’t Forget Your Partner
It’s not just you who needs to be in her best health while trying to get pregnant fast.
Remember, it’s equally as important for males. According to CCRM Fertility, almost half of all fertility issues are caused by male reproductive problems.
Luckily, CCRM Fertility also treats male fertility issues. But remember to keep your partner’s health and well-being in mind too as you begin your journey to TTC.
10 – Schedule a Fertility Assessment at CCRM
If you’ve been on your TTC journey for more than a year, then put your mind at ease and schedule an appointment at a fertility clinic like CCRM Dallas Fort-Worth. CCRM Dallas Fort-Worth, led by Dr. Dorette Noorhasen and Dr. Yetunde Noorhasan, houses an all-inclusive fertility treatment center with a dedicated on-site physician team, IVF laboratory, procedures area, and comprehensive diagnostic services. This means you can do everything under one roof.
Fertility treatments and options have made it possible for millions of women to experience motherhood. And clinics such as CCRM Fertility have options to fit every situation and budget, with a track record of getting patients pregnant 33% faster than other U.S. fertility clinics.

11 – Know That It’s All God’s Plan
Last one – and this one is VERY important!! Whether it takes you one month or seven years to get pregnant or if your TTC journey leads you down the path to adoption or surrogacy, know this…
When you do become a mother, you will be SO THANKFUL for the journey that lead to your child, no matter what that road looked like or how long it took.
I remember when I met Everly, one of the first things that crossed my mind was “THANK GOD IT’S YOU!!”
Praise God we didn’t get pregnant those first three months, or any other week or day or minute or second sooner!! Because we wouldn’t have that perfectly unique, one-in-a-billion bundle that is our sweet Everly Austin Green.
**this post was sponsored by CCRM Fertility Clinic. All opinions are entirely my own.
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More On Pregnancy and TTC:
-First Pregnancy Symptoms
-Everly’s Birth Story
-Gender Reveal Party
Fair-well xx,

Shelbee on the Edge
January 31, 2020 at 12:15 pmWhat a beautiful post! I was blessed to not have fertility issues and became pregnant very quickly both times that we tried. We tried a third time for a while but when it didn’t happen, we counted our blessings and called it good. But I also know so many who have struggled with fertility and it can be a heartbreaking and stressful process. I love that you have partnered with this fertility clinic to share these wonderful tips for those families trying to grow. Parenthood is a heck of a journey, isn’t it?! Wishing you all the best in your journey to add child number 2!
Shelbee on the Edge
Early Pregnancy Symptoms By Week - The First Trimester
March 5, 2020 at 11:07 am[…] Earlier this year, we announced we’ve been trying for baby number two by practicing fertility tips to help get pregnant faster. […]
Julie Lake
May 16, 2020 at 7:53 amI was looking at some of fertility boost supplements and saw the title of this post! I had to read it. Although I have not had a miscarriage, my husband and I had fertility issues for about 2 years. Those years shaped me and grew us so much. We were not able to conceive and had the blessing through Dr Michael Casper and i have male child called Miles on December 6, who is now 3. am very happy to be a mother and my partner a father,we are a big family now all because of Dr Michael Casper pregnancy fertility medicine .if you are passing through pregnancy issue kindly contact my Doctor on email
Anees Shah
August 19, 2020 at 7:07 amIf you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “how to get pregnant fast,” or, “natural remedies to get pregnant fast?” then keep reading. We’ll answer your questions about getting pregnant and give you expert proven tips on trying to conceive.
For many couples, conceiving a baby is one of the most important and beautiful dreams that can exist. Learn expert tips on how to get pregnant fast and conceive quickly.
In some cases, this getting pregnant process has difficulties that are related to fertility, hormonal issues, physical problems, and even emotional disorders.
December 11, 2020 at 10:17 amYou are doing amazing work. First off, this is a well written post. My husband and I had been trying for 2 years. We both were checked out to make sure there were no major issues with either of us regarding why we hadnt gotten pregnant yet. We read that a lot of people have success on the 2nd round of Clomid! I am now 11 weeks pregnant and would definitely recommend Clomid for anyone who hasnt gotten pregnant after at least a year of trying and is unsure why. I am not sure if I just wasnt ovulating or what, but Clomid worked for me!! My insurance didn’t cover it, but I got it. So happy 😊 my friend gave me this code ‘CLO24PRG’ ❤️ and she said ‘just Google it’. Goof luck to all!