Our Modern-Farmhouse-Meets-Beach-House Bedroom Makeover

modern farmhouse master bedroom


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Happy Thursday! As promised, I’m back with more home decor updates. With the fresh, crisp air, longer days and blossoms galore, spring is the perfect time to treat your home to a little refresh sesh, and I’ve absolutely loved doing just that here in our home. You might have caught our tropical chic living room revamp last week on the blog, and this week, I’m partnering up with my friends at Pier 1 Imports to show off our modern farmhouse master bedroom refresh. Thanks to some amazing finds I found at our local Pier 1 store, we’ve brightened up our master bedroom with some clean and fresh new pieces (you can see our last bedroom refresh here for comparison!) We’re actually calling this bedroom update modern-farmhouse-meets-beach-house because you’ll see elements of both in the new space.

Click on the link below to see all the photos of our new master bedroom and get the full scoop on why and how I chose to redecorate a space in our home.


PS – calling all my DFW locals, I’ll be at the Pier 1 Imports store in Southlake on April 21 to celebrate a new store experience from 3-5pm. Please stop by if you’re in the area, I’d LOVE to meet you!!

modern farmhouse master bedroomwhite bedding decor ideas white bedding decor ideas white bedding decor ideaswhite bedding decor ideas white bedding decor ideas modern farmhouse master bedroom white bedding decor ideas modern farmhouse master bedroom modern farmhouse master bedroom shelf decor ideas modern farmhouse master bedroommodern farmhouse master bedroom

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The Pier 1 Imports team and I had a little Q&A sessions about how I sourced inspiration for our modern farmhouse meets beach house master bedroom decor and how I’m inspired for all of my home decor choices. Below you can read the whole interview to learn a little more about how I choose the pieces that decorate our space.


  1. What inspires you most when it comes to home decor?

  • The most inspiring rooms to me are the ones that tell a story. I love walking into a room and feeling completely immersed in it. Whether it’s a particular color that the room is centered around, a time period, or a place you’ve traveled, home décor that inspires me are pieces that, when put together, make you feel a certain way or remember a special place.

  1. How does your persona on social media reflect in your home?
  • As a fashion and lifestyle blogger, much of my persona on social media is based on what I wear, and my wardrobe is a reflection of my personality – bold, cheerful and colorful. But when it comes to decorating my space, I like to create rooms and spaces that create a feeling that’s meaningful for me and my family, and also a vibe that makes sense with the particular room (this is especially important to me since my home doubles as my office, so I spend a whole lot of time there). For our bedroom, for example, I wanted to use a lot of bright white and light blue hues as well as some ocean-inspired elements. That’s because my husband Cole and I both love traveling to places near the sea and also because those colors and those seaside elements help to create a clean and calming sense that’s perfect for the bedroom.
  1. Does your aesthetic/personal style on social media have an impact when purchasing home furnishings?  
  • Since my social media persona is true to who I am and what I love, then you could definitely see parallels in both my home and personal style/social media posts, but I wouldn’t say it necessarily has an impact on what I buy when purchasing home furnishings. Just like the choices you make in what you wear, I believe what you buy for your home should make you feel good and be true to who you are. Much like you’ll find across my social media posts, there’s lots of prints, patterns and colors throughout my home, which is what makes me happy and defines my personal style.
  1. What are some of the first things you look for when walking into an interior decor store?
  • I can’t walk into a décor store without knowing what room(s) I’m focusing on beforehand. Otherwise, I’ll get way too overwhelmed and end up buying things I never use. Before I redecorate or decide to revamp a room, I’ll usually spend some time on Pinterest, Google and even home décor catalogues to pull some inspiration photos so I can have a visual for the kind of look I’d like to create when I walk into the store. Going into a store with a particular room in mind and inspiration for that space makes shopping so much easier and a lot more fun too!
  1. What effect do you think your creation has on Pier 1 consumers?
  • I just wanted to create a space that was peaceful and relaxing for Cole and I, and create that vibe throughout our entire room. As much as I love bold, vivid colors, I like to save those for rooms that entertain like our dining room and living room. When it comes to the place we sleep, creating a comforting and serene place is super important to us (especially now that we have a little one on the way!). That’s why I opted for cool ocean hues like the blue velvet throw pillows I chose for the bed and the sea grass candles paired with calming whites and natural textures like the distressed wood candle pillars and the woven basket.  Then I added some playful seaside elements like the glass pineapple table lamps.
  1. What determines a change in your interior designs? Is it trends or something else?
  • I wouldn’t say that trends necessarily shape my interior design choices like they do with my fashion choices. I can usually tell that it’s time for a change or revamp when I start spending less time in the room. When I start looking for inspiration to redecorate or refresh that particular space, I’ll look at everything from my coffee table books by some of my favorite interior designers, or perhaps even a show that’s inspired me (Downton Abbey definitely did that for me), or a recent trip that’s sparked some inspiration. From there, it’s off to Pinterest and Google to save as much inspiration as I can before I start perusing and purchasing.


To shop this room, click on the icons at the top or bottom of this post! Stay tuned for more home decor inspo as Cole and I freshen up for spring (and for the new baby on the way!)

Fairwell xx,

-Photography by Jeremy Biggers.


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  1. […] knew we’d want to keep the neutral, clean white bedding we had in our old house, but we decided to upgrade to a duvet cover and sheet set from Boll and […]

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