This post has been in draft mode for far too long, but I’m so excited to finally share it!! As a continuation of my bumpdate and life with Miss Everly blog post series, today I’m sharing my newborn essentials. From must-have items for her nursery to the one thing that has made a HUGE difference in my breastfeeding journey, I’m so excited to spill the details on all the items I absolutely LOVED for the first three months with our sweet baby girl.
Click on the read more to see all of my top newborn essentials!
Owlet Smart Sock – This little sock makes a big difference in getting some shut eye at night! It’s a simple, comfortable smart device that goes around your baby’s foot at night and monitors both her heart rate and oxygen levels. If either get too low, you’re immediately notified via your smart phone and the dock system. It is a bit on the pricey side, so we weren’t sure if we needed it at first. But after waking up every 15 minutes to check if Everly was breathing the first few nights we brought her home, we decided it was well-worth it and we’ve used it every night since (and enjoyed a little more zzz’s too!)
Halo Bassinest – We knew we wanted to keep Everly in our room for at least the first few months after bringing her home, but we didn’t want to bed-share. This bassinet allows me to keep her as close as possible to me each night while keeping our little one safe and sound as she sleeps. The Bassinest will adjust to the height of your bed so you can easily swivel it over your mattress, keeping your baby close, cozy and safe. It’s especially been great for night feedings!
Willow Wearable Breast Pumps – These have been an absolute GAME-CHANGER in my breastfeeding journey!! As soon as my milk came in, I had to start pumping because I had a bit of an oversupply, and after getting mastitis just 3 weeks after Everly was born, I decided to give nursing a break for a few days and pump exclusively. I’m really not sure if I could have done that successfully if not for these pumps. The Willow pumps are hands-free AND cordless. They easily fit beneath your bra so you can do pretty much anything while pumping (I’m actually pumping as I type this!!) I’ve been able to pump in the car, while holding Everly, and they have made pumping at night super easy too. They even connect to an app on your phone and record how many ounces you pump from each side daily. After having complications with breastfeeding early on, I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to continue my goal of giving Everly breastmilk for at least the first 6 months, but the Willow pumps have allowed me to be successful so far.
Evenflo Pivot Expand Travel System – Not only do I love the classic design of this sleek car seat-stroller system, but what I love most about it is its versatility. Cole and I plan to hopefully have our babies close together in age, and this car seat allows you to easily go from a single to double stroller. In fact, it is so versatile that there are over 22 different configurations. Whether I want Evie to stroll facing forward, facing me, or in her car seat or the seat that stroller comes with, there are so many different options!
Dockatot – I honestly don’t know what we’d do without Everly’s Dockatot. Since she’s still so tiny, we actually put the Dockatot inside her Halo Bassinest every night to keep her snug. We pretty much take it everywhere with us – whether in the living room to lie her down on the couch next to me for naps or when we’re on-the-go so she can safely and easily nap on a bed.
Aiden & Anais Muslin Swaddles – I couldn’t have imagined how many blankets we’d go through in a day, and what I love about the Aiden and Anais Muslin Swaddle blankets is that you can use them for pretty much anything. Whether as a burp rag to clean up spit up during feedings, as extra protection over her car seat while we’re on the go, or to swaddle her up while she’s sleeping, we use these so much and pretty much stock a few in every room of our house, as well as her diaper bag.
Project Nursery Baby Moniter System – I have a feeling this one will especially be a favorite once she actually starts sleeping in her crib, but I have put it to use while she sleeps in her crib for naps and it makes it SO nice to not have to go check on her every 5-10 minutes. The smart system comes with a screen as well as an app that you can log into to see your baby anytime, from anywhere. I love that the camera can be adjusted so you can see your baby from the screen and from your app, just in case you have a rollie pollie like we do. The screen also displays the temperature of the room, so you know if it’s too hot or cold for baby.
Soothie Pacifiers – As soon as we got the go-ahead from her pediatrician, I gave Everly her first bink, and they have been life-savers ever since. Naturally, I decided to try every single pacifier we had in the house before settling on these because Everly liked them so much, and they are still her favorite to-date. Whether she’s sleeping, in her carseat, or on-the-go with me, she usually has one of these plopped into her mouth or at least very near by in case of emergency. Smilo Bottles – When we decided to introduce expressed breast milk in bottles to Everly, we wanted to be sure we found a bottle that closely mimicked breastfeeding and had the slowest flow possible. We tried four different brands and both us and Everly loved the Smilo Short Bottles best. The Smilo bottles reduce colic causing air-intake up to 44%, which means less gas and discomfort for Everly. What I also loved was that they offered a size 0 nipple, which by far has the slowest flow of any other nipples we tried from other bottles, making it much easier for Everly to drink without gagging from a strong flow.
Big Baby Bws/Headbands- Everly is never fully dressed without a bow, and I absolutely adore the bows by Baby Bling…they’re the perfect size, come in practically every color and pattern imaginable and are so stretchy and comfy for baby too!
Belly Bandit Nursing Bras – Although I’m exclusivly pumping, nursing bras are still essential for easy pumping access and I love how comfy these are! I actually started wearing them while I was pregnant because I loved them so much!! Since I alway shave to pump first thing in the morning, I now have to sleep with a bra, and these are so comfortable that I honestly I forget I even have one on!
Project Nursery Dream Weaver – In almost all the baby books I read, white noise machines were recommending for helping your baby get aa good night’s sleep. I couldn’t have imagined what an incredible difference it would make!! Everly sleeps far longer and better with white noise, and it helps her fall asleep too! What I love about the Project Nursery Dreamweaver is that it also doubles as a blue tooth speaker so you can play music from your phone and as a nightlight. Also, it’s adorable so it looks really great on your nursery bookshelf.
Delta Children’s Glider – I’m not sure what we would do without our glider! To this day, when she’s going down for a nap or ready to go to sleep for the night, it is an essential part of our bedtime routine, and one that almost always gets her to sleep. Whether she’s as happy as a clam or is having a meltdown, the rocker usually puts her right to sleep (and I have to force myself not to fall asleep right along with her!) I love that this one also reclines, just in case mama is in need of a nap too. 😉
Stay tuned for more baby updates here on the blog!! I’ll be sharing a full reveal of Everly’s nursery soon along with my 3-6 month faves!!
Fair-well xx,
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