Looking for inspiration for your gender reveal party? Here’s our Twinkle Twinkle Little Star gender reveal party, complete with decor ideas and inspiration. Plus, the gender reveal video where we found out whether our first baby would be a boy or a girl.

Our Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Gender Reveal Party
From the decorations to the DIY gender reveal confetti box and the full video of the reveal, here’s the details on our twinkle twinkle little star gender reveal party. This is the day we found out whether our first baby’s gender would be a girl or a boy.

I know it’s a little late, but after getting lots of requests on my instagram, as promised, I’m finally sharing all the details from our gender reveal party earlier this spring. If you follow me on instagram or have read any of my pregnancy posts on the blog, then you already know whether our first baby is a he or a she, but just in case there’s any newcomers here, I’ll keep it a surprise until the end of this post. Cole and I decided to go with a gender neutral, twinkle twinkle little stars theme for our gender party, and for the big reveal, we decided to put together a DIY box (click on the read more button below to watch the video and see photos of how it works).

Shop The Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Gender Party Decor
Shop My Gender Reveal Party Outfit

When we started planning our twinkle twinkle little star gender reveal party, we knew we wanted to keep it simple. That meant just inviting family and a few close friends. I actually had to do a lot of convincing for Cole to even agree to do any of it…but he’ll tell you he’s glad we did now. Not only is this baby our very first, but Cole and I are both the oldest children in our families. That means it’s also the first grand baby on both for both our families. Even more, it’s the first great grand baby! So I thought it would be fun to surprise ourselves and our family by finding out whether our baby would be a boy or a girl.
We knew we didn’t want to spend a whole lot on our twinkle twinkle little star gender reveal party. I found most of the decor we used for our gender reveal party from Amazon, and all for awesome prices. For the rest of it, I pretty much used what we had in our home, and even from our wedding and did a lot of DIY like the Boy or Girl sign you see above (we had everyone write their names down and make a guess on the gender before we did the reveal). You can shop the decor items we used by clicking on the little icons below the “SHOP THE DECOR” titles at the top and bottom of this post!

We are so lucky to have such amazing family and friends who also helped us put the gender reveal party together. Our extremely talented family friend, Christy Good, made our twinkle twinkle little star cake and moon and stars cookies based off some Pinterest photos I showed her. My cousin Caley created the twinkle twinkle topper with her cricut laser cutting machine. Both desserts were perfect for the twinkle twinkle little star gender reveal theme.
I made this little Old Wives Tales template from scratch on Photoshop and decided to share it with anyone who would like to use it! You can find the .PSD file template that you can edit via Photoshop attached to the bottom of this post. As you can see, all signs pointed to us having a boy…

Click play to see our full gender reveal and find out whether we’re having a boy or girl (if you don’t already know).
Our amazing friends Sandra and John Mears made the amazing DIY box that we used for the reveal. Using a box they scooped up from Home Depot and some interior paint, they created the base of the box. My cousin Caley also used her cricut machine to create the adorable twinkle twinkle sign that they attached to the box. For the mechanics of how the box worked, Sandra and John tested lots of idea. What here’s what ended up working:
DIY Gender Reveal Confetti Box Instructions:
-Start with a large cardboard box.
-Remove two of the flaps on the bottom of the box
-Attach four gold streamers to be used to pull on all four sides of the bottom.
-Decorate accordingly.
-Use simple scotch tape to tape the bottom together it’s easy to pull. It worked PERFECTLY and we couldn’t have been more happy or surprised!!


Cole and I were completely in shock to find out that we’re having a BABY GIRL!!! Clearly we both thought team boy based on what we chose to wear, and thanks to the old wives tales. TIP- don’tlisten to any of them! We couldn’t be more OVER THE MOON to start out little family with a sweet baby girl this August.
Shop Our Gender Reveal Party Decor
Shop My Gender Reveal Party Dress
Our gender reveal party was such a fun and memorable time for us! It was so cool to get together with our family and friends to share a truly special moment that we will always cherish. I know that there’s a lot of talk about gender reveal parties being overblown or too much. In my opinion; however, it really is such a special way to share this moment with you loved ones. Best of all, and there are lots of ways to keep your gender reveal party super affordable and low key.
For More Pregnancy and Baby-Related Posts:
-Everly’s Birth Story
-First Trimester Symptoms
-Second Trimester Symptoms, Part 1
-Second Trimester Symptoms, Part 2
-Third Trimester Symptoms
Fairwell xx,

May 18, 2018 at 12:02 pmThank you so much for sharing this! I loved all your photos on Instagram story and wondered where you got all the cute decorations! -Lindsay
February 6, 2019 at 7:42 amI’m unable to open the Old Wives Tale print out. Is there another way to access it? Computer says it’s a corrupt file.
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Harvey Lee
January 31, 2025 at 1:39 amWhat a charming idea for a gender reveal!